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Le Cord
Le Cord Lightning-naar-USB-C, 1.2m, Wit, Made of recycled plastics
Minimal Series
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.
Le Cord
Le Cord Lightning-naar-USB-A, 1.2m, Blauw, Made of recycled plastics
Minimal Series
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.
Le Cord
Le Cord Lightning-naar-USB-A, 1.2m, Oranje, Made of recycled plastics
Minimal Series
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.
Le Cord
Le Cord Lightning-naar-USB-A, 1.2m, Groen, Made of recycled plastics
Minimal Series
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.
Less material - less waste
For this cable we removed as much material as possible without compromising on quality. We also sourced post consumer recycled plastics nearby our factory to minimize transportation.